
I’m quitting social media.

My decision to move away from social media platforms is one that I’ve been considering for quite a while. It’s not one that I take lightly, but I am convinced that it is the right decision. Is it possible to run a successful business without a social media presence? I’m ready to find out.

I believe that beauty matters – now more than ever in a world full of darkness. For the past few years, I’ve used Instagram as my main means of sharing beauty with the world. Social media can be such a dark place, and my aim was always to provide beauty, hope, and light through the images and words that I shared.

While I’m incredibly grateful for the connections that the app allowed me to form with artists across the country, I’ve seen the time and energy that is required to effectively engage on social media, and I’ve chosen to direct my energy elsewhere, toward more life-giving, everyday, practical, and local things – like reading to my kids, tending to our garden, baking bread, and making our home a welcoming place for friends and family to gather.

I’ve also seen the harmful effect that social media has had on our ability (as a culture) to have any type of productive, genuine conversation about differences. I’m simply not willing to listen to (or take part in) the shouting match that the majority of social media has deteriorated into – I’m much more interested in face-to-face, honest, open, and gracious conversations over shared meals and cups of coffee, in backyards and neighborhoods. This past year more than ever, I’ve been especially grateful for individuals who use their social media accounts to look past the chaos and share the goodness and beauty that they see in life (again, not because I think hard issues should be avoided, but because I believe that social media is just not a healthy place to have those conversations).

Many business “experts” would tell me that moving away from social media is a crazy idea. Maybe they’re right, but here’s the thing: I’m more interested in building a business model that works for me in this present season of life than following all the “rules” of running a successful business. Time and time again I’ve found that I do my best creative work when I’m away from social media, being intentionally present and faithful to the everyday tasks before me – so that’s exactly what I plan to do.

So what now?

My goal in transitioning away from social media is to provide you with more meaningful content. In the world of social media, there is constant pressure to create content with little regard for quality. By slowing down and stepping away from the social media culture, I am giving myself room to invest more in the content I create – and therefore produce more meaningful content. I want this space (both my website and email community) to be a place filled with carefully thought out, beautiful, and meaningful content.

I’m planning to share the same types of things I always have, but it will only be here on my website and in my email community. Email subscribers will receive seasonal updates as well as exclusive access to things like mini session sign-ups, model calls, travel dates, and special offers on sessions. Additionally, you can now get my new free guide, How to Organize Your Personal Photos (yes, the one I’ve been hinting at since the summer) delivered directly to your inbox! If you’re interested, you can sign up HERE or by scrolling to the bottom of my website and entering your email address (as always, you can unsubscribe at anytime).

I’m so excited to share with you all more of what is in store! Please feel free to email me directly anytime at:

A New Direction || Saying Goodbye to Social Media

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cherished for generations to come.

Let's create timeless imagery that will be

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